Friday, August 21, 2009

Dusting Off

"We fall down, but we get up." Some journeys start well, but most journeys involve some set backs. You get lost, you fall down, or just become tired. Now matter what you are trying to accomplish the main goal is to stay consistent. Small steps do add up to equal feet and miles.

Sometime you have to rest, and start fresh later. However remember: Get up, wash your face, and be somebody!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Why I Make Soap

Why do I make soap? Well...there are so many reasons. It started as a hobby to find some other solutions to my son's eczema. The doctor gave us a steroid cream sample, and suggested some lotions for his eczema. However, the word "steroid" just scared me! I started researching on the Internet, and learned about the benefits of oatmeal, essential oils, herbs, and various natural antioxidants.

Finding natural solutions that actually worked was easy. However, creating a good soap base to add them to was more challenging. Making soap takes practice, and patience. It takes several weeks for the soap to completely form. Then it takes a few weeks to test the product. I used myself to test the product because I also get eczema on my arms during the winter.

Over time, I created a formula that worked. During the process, I also accidentally discovered other uses that helped things like athletes feet and sore muscles. However, the real joy is watching how it helps others.

People still look at me like I'm crazy when I offer them a sample of soap. I know there are others out there with problem skin and athletes feet. I also have learned that most people want soap with a scent. So I have had to give in, but I have kept it natural. I only scent the soap with essential oils like lemongrass, lavender, and rosemary essential oils. Why? Because if you have sensitive skin, artificial scents just irritates it more.

Experts say you should find a career that you are passionate about. My love of math lead me to a career in accounting. My love of math has also helped with creating my soap formulas. Making soap gives me a chance to relax, dream, and be creative.

Want a sample? Just email me at:

Saturday, March 28, 2009


My son -"When you are tired, you need to relax. You need to think about something happy. When you use Fanuppa Soaps, you're in a happy place!!!!!! Think of a lake and birds, deer, nice trees, with beautiful flowers."

Fanuppa Soaps is improving the quality of your shower time. I took the great benefits of essential oils and organic ingredients and combined them into a quick daily tool (a bar of soap!). Now rewarding your skin and mind does not have to wait until the weekend or spa. Conveniently jump start every day with aromatherapy and moisturizing oils. When you have more time to pamper yourself also add some candles to your bath. Lavender essential oil is known for its relaxing and calming properties, so try the lavender soap bar.

Each bar contains all natural ingredients including olive oil, coconut oil, essential oils, and a great variety of other organic ingredients. The bars naturally contain moisturizing glycerin formed during the soap making process (removed from most soap in the market and sold to you separately). Also, there are no dyes, only natural coloring.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Declutter-After (Clean Spirit)

I have that wow feeling that is hard to put into words. I decluttered the space! I added some pieces that bring me joy and will inspire me daily. Doing the space also gave me some ideas for other spaces in my home. It was hard work, but it warmed my spirit.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Growing up, I was such a neat child. I would make charts so that my sister and I could take turns with washing dishes and doing other chores. I disliked things not being organized. In my early twenties, my Saturday routine always began with deep cleaning my apartment. I would open the windows and let in fresh air. I was a regular Ms. Stewart!

Soon came the joys of marriage and kids, but I began to feel overwhelmed. I remember reading parent magazines that said this was normal. I learned to forgive myself for missing my cleaning routine, because catching up on sleep after a baby keeps you up was more important. As the kids grew and my career grew, the toys and things took over the house. So how was I to catch up? How do I become Ms. Organized again?

Step 1: If you have a clutter problem, admit it. (Taking pictures helps, and can be used to track progress.)

Step 2: Clear the space by putting things in one of these categories:

  • Keep (things just for the room/area)

  • Return (return to another room/area, return to owner)

  • Give Away (donate regularly/some agencies even do pick ups)

  • Trash

Step 3: Dust, clean, repair as needed

Step 4: Make the area special (decorate and/or add organizing shelves, boxes,...). If you feel the space is special, you are less likely to trash it again.

Step 5: Every day take a few minutes to pick up and put things where they belong.

Hope this helps me and others. Check back in a week to see my "after" picture.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Spiritual cleaning sound complicated, but it centers around inviting harmony and order into your life. Remember that each role depends on the other. Take time to enjoy NATURE. Exercise outdoors when possible. Go to the park and enjoy the sounds of natures. Study the basics of Feng Shui (how our surroundings effect our mood). Retail stores use it all the time to encourage you to spend more! Try adding scented candles and soaps to a room or bath. Change the color of a room to your favorite color. AROMATHERAPY and the right COLOR can greatly improve your mood.

One of the most important things you should do is DE-CLUTTER. Your mind, body, and spirit is endangered in a cluttered environment. You can't think in a cluttered environment, and you risk exposing your body to bacteria, dust, and who knows what else!

Once you have taken time to think and write down your thoughts, turn those thoughts into goals. Research and consult with your physician about the best ways to care for your body INSIDE and OUTSIDE. Yes, you need to eat healthy foods and exercise. Also, read about body detoxification. Learn how a high fiber diet and fish oil can aid this process. You would be amazed what you are storing in your intestines!

Our bodies also need help on the outside as well. We use soap daily. However, research how natural soaps are better. They contain moisturizing glycerin that is removed from many soaps. Also, exfoliated regularly to help your skin quickly renew itself.

You can order handcrafted organic soap from Fanuppa at:
Cleaning Mind, Body, and Spirit

"How are you doing?" People ask us this through out the day, and we normally answer with a standard, "Good." The people who really know us, can normally tell if we are being truthful or not! We have so many different roles that we must play in our life. If one area, is not going well more than likely the other areas are suffering. Each role depends on the other.

One of the first things that you must do is slow down and think. We are so busy with our many roles. There are so many things to do. What should you do first? Only you really know the answer to that question. So take some time to have some QUIET TIME. Next take some time to JOURNAL daily. By doing this, you allow yourself to find the real you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Welcome to Fanuppa Blog!!!!

I am so excited that you decided to check out the new Fanuppa Blog page. Today I want to discuss dry, itchy skin. The kind of skin that comes during winter and makes you scratch in places that are not so lady like! I have learned that lotion doesn't last all day when you have really dry skin. Lotion temporarily covers the problem. How do you treat your dry itchy skin?