Friday, March 6, 2009


Growing up, I was such a neat child. I would make charts so that my sister and I could take turns with washing dishes and doing other chores. I disliked things not being organized. In my early twenties, my Saturday routine always began with deep cleaning my apartment. I would open the windows and let in fresh air. I was a regular Ms. Stewart!

Soon came the joys of marriage and kids, but I began to feel overwhelmed. I remember reading parent magazines that said this was normal. I learned to forgive myself for missing my cleaning routine, because catching up on sleep after a baby keeps you up was more important. As the kids grew and my career grew, the toys and things took over the house. So how was I to catch up? How do I become Ms. Organized again?

Step 1: If you have a clutter problem, admit it. (Taking pictures helps, and can be used to track progress.)

Step 2: Clear the space by putting things in one of these categories:

  • Keep (things just for the room/area)

  • Return (return to another room/area, return to owner)

  • Give Away (donate regularly/some agencies even do pick ups)

  • Trash

Step 3: Dust, clean, repair as needed

Step 4: Make the area special (decorate and/or add organizing shelves, boxes,...). If you feel the space is special, you are less likely to trash it again.

Step 5: Every day take a few minutes to pick up and put things where they belong.

Hope this helps me and others. Check back in a week to see my "after" picture.

1 comment:

  1. WOW...the Fanuppa blog is neat!!! I agreed that the first step to any problem is to admit there is a problem. After admitting there is a problem, the next step is to do research to find the root cause. By getting to the root cause of the problem, it will be easy to develop a great action plan. I also think your steps 1 through 5 are key elements to gaining order and reducing clutter.

    By "A Place 4 Everything"
