Sunday, March 8, 2009

Declutter-After (Clean Spirit)

I have that wow feeling that is hard to put into words. I decluttered the space! I added some pieces that bring me joy and will inspire me daily. Doing the space also gave me some ideas for other spaces in my home. It was hard work, but it warmed my spirit.


  1. What an excellent job at decluttering. I am surprised that you actually posted a picture from your home. But I guess since our names will remain unknown only those who know you would know it is your home. Maybe I will post a picture or two. It is good to hear that you are feeling inspired. Your "After" picture looks great! Okay it has been three weeks and I would like to know if your area still looks the same?

  2. Forgot to sign my post regarding .....What an excellent job at decluttering.

    A Place 4 Everything
