Monday, March 2, 2009


Spiritual cleaning sound complicated, but it centers around inviting harmony and order into your life. Remember that each role depends on the other. Take time to enjoy NATURE. Exercise outdoors when possible. Go to the park and enjoy the sounds of natures. Study the basics of Feng Shui (how our surroundings effect our mood). Retail stores use it all the time to encourage you to spend more! Try adding scented candles and soaps to a room or bath. Change the color of a room to your favorite color. AROMATHERAPY and the right COLOR can greatly improve your mood.

One of the most important things you should do is DE-CLUTTER. Your mind, body, and spirit is endangered in a cluttered environment. You can't think in a cluttered environment, and you risk exposing your body to bacteria, dust, and who knows what else!

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