Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Toothpaste Recipe

I am super excited! I made toothpaste (Date 11/21/16)!!!! Recipe is simple, and the harder to find ingredients can be ordered online. I got the calcium carbonate from Amazon. The toothpaste cleans really well. It is a little salty so I will probably reduce the salt next time to half the amount and replace it with calcium. It is a thick paste. Add more glycerin if you prefer. The glycerin adds the sweetness that you find in most toothpaste. Keep covered or liquidity increases because the glycerin naturally absorbs moisture from the air.

Toothpaste Recipe:
2 TBS calcium carbonate
2 TBS baking soda
2 tsp salt (try 1 tsp. and taste)
4 tsp glycerin

Stir until it becomes a paste.
I was inspired by this recipe here, and many others that I studied. 
I didn't use hydrogen peroxide in the toothpaste but had tested it in other recipes, and could not get the texture right.  Instead, I use it as mouthwash.  I do a ratio of half hydrogen peroxide and half water.

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